I have come to discover that my life purpose is to be a midwife to the naturally creative and resourceful wisdom that is at the core of every person and every relationship. My work has taught me that this IS the true nature of every person and every relationship. When this core is tapped, an authentic wisdom and amazing power of problem solving effortlessly appears. I have experienced this power in myself and I have seen it at work in the individuals, partners and teams that I have coached over the last 25 years.
The purpose of this blog and website are to make these techniques available to a larger audience by presenting:
- Creative exercises and tools
- Resources: books and websites
- Examples and stories of my own use of these materials
- Coaching for individuals, partners and teams, in person, on the phone or on-line
I offer you the opportunity to renew your relationship with yourself and with each other so that we can be authentic and powerful beings of love, joy and compassion. That we may live lives of full abundance with deep respect for the earth and its inhabitants. That we may achieve our hearts desires and expand our relationships with skill and creativity.
That continual creative renewal may help with the challenges we meet on our journeys.